论文标题:inducing drop to bubble transformation via resonance in ultrasound
作者:duyang zang, lin li, wenli di, zehui zhang, changlin ding, zhen chen, wei shen, bernard p. binks & xingguo geng
一般来说,气泡破裂后会产生液滴,但《自然-通讯》本周的一篇论文inducing drop to bubble transformation via resonance in ultrasound描述了一种逆向操作的方法——让液滴转变为气泡。这一研究成果有助于找到液-液界面的操纵方式,对软物质制造具有潜在的应用价值。
图1:声悬浮液滴从液滴到气泡的转变过程 图源:zang 等
摘要:bubble formation plays an important role in industries concerned with mineral flotation, food, cosmetics, and materials, which requires additional energy to produce the liquid–gas interfaces. a naturally observed fact is, owing to the effect of surface tension, a bubble film tends to retract to reduce its surface area. here we show a “reverse” phenomenon whereby a drop is transformed into a bubble using acoustic levitation via acoustic resonance. once the volume of the cavity encapsulated by the buckled film reaches a critical value v*, resonance occurs and an abrupt inflation is triggered, leading to the formation of a closed bubble. experiments and simulations both reveal that v* decreases with increasing acoustic frequency, which agrees well with acoustic resonance theory. the results afford enlightening insights into acoustic resonance and highlight its role in manipulating buckled fluid–fluid interfaces, providing a reference for fabricating unique core–shell-like materials.
期刊介绍: () is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.
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