【招聘】bmc 骨科期刊副主编 | bmc musculoskeletal disorders |
we are recruiting new associate editors to join our international editorial board, helping to provide expertise on a wide range of subjects within the area of musculoskeletal disorders.

• 15 or more recent publications in the english language
• ideally working in an institution or have an academic affiliation.
• 10 publications within the last 10 years
role and responsibilities
• handle at least 2 new manuscripts per month
• assess each manuscripts suitability to be sent for peer review (adhering to ethos, scope, editorial standards and policies of the journal)
• choose suitable peer reviewers, provide assessment of the peer review reports and recommend a decision on publication
• maintain editorial confidentiality and declare any competing interests with respect to manuscripts
• help advocate journal to the community
20% discount on all publications in all bmc journal where the associate editor is a co-author
如果您感兴趣,请将简历发送到 并在邮件题目中包含期刊名字bmc musculoskeletal disorders.
期刊介绍:bmc musculoskeletal disorders is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology.
•1.998 - 2-year if
•2.454 - 5-year if
•1.207 - snip
•0.951 - sjr