应当考虑在剖腹产后尝试自然分娩 | bmc pregnancy and childbirth |
论文标题:reasons for previous cesarean deliveries impact a woman’s independent decision of delivery mode and the success of trial of labor after cesarean
作者:kaname uno, michinori mayama et al.
最近发表在开放获取期刊《bmc妊娠与生育》(bmc pregnancy and childbirth)上的一项研究表明,有剖腹产史但尝试自然分娩的方式,其成功率可能在90%以上。如果医生在不同的分娩方式上提供关于风险和收益的详细信息,有剖腹产史的准妈妈选择自然分娩而非再次剖腹产的几率会升高。

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研究的作者、日本丰田纪念医院宇野枢博士说:“目前全球的剖腹产率都在升高,有近一半的剖腹产决定是建立在是否有既往剖腹产史的基础上的。曾经剖腹产但仍尝试自然分娩的过程被简称做tolac(trial of labour after cesarean),这个过程被认为是一个安全的选择,但大部分符合条件的女性依然会选择再次剖腹产。”
cesarean delivery rates are increasing globally with almost half of them occurring due to a previous cesarean delivery. a trial of labor after cesarean (tolac) is considered a safe procedure, but most eligible women instead undergo cesarean before 39 weeks of gestation. lack of education about tolac is often associated with increased repeat cesarean. to reveal the safety and feasibility of tolac, we conducted this observational, prospective study with women’s independent decisions. we aimed to clarify the relationship between their chosen mode of delivery and the reason for their previous cesarean. additionally, we have tried to identify maternal and obstetric factors associated with failed tolac to improve its success rate.
this was a prospective, observational study of 1086 pregnant women with at least one previous cesarean delivery. of these, 735 women met our tolac criteria (table 1), and then, could choose tolac or repeat cesarean after receiving detailed explanations regarding the risks and benefits of both procedures. the primary outcomes were the number of successful tolac procedures and 5-min apgar scores < 7 for the trial of labor after cesarean group and elective cesarean group. we collected the maternal and neonatal data including the reasons of previous cesarean.
in total, 64.1% of women chose tolac. the success rate was 91.3%. the uterine rupture rate was 0.6%. there were no significant differences in the rate of apgar scores at 5 min < 7 between both groups. histories of experience of labor in previous cesarean delivery were observed in 30 and 50% of women who chose tolac and repeat cesarean, respectively (p < 0.05). factors related to failed tolac included ≥40 weeks of gestation (odds: 5.47, 95% ci: 2.55–11.70) and prelabor rupture of membranes (prom) (odds: 4.47, 95% ci: 2.07–9.63).
tolac is a favorable delivery option for both mothers and neonates when women meet criteria and choose after receiving detailed explanations. women who experience prom or ≥ 40 weeks of gestation, their modes of delivery should be reconsulted.