foar 概念建筑中的人工智能:对文本到文本、文本到图像以及图像到图像生成器设计的思考 |
作者:anca-simona horvath, panagiota pouliou
发表时间:15 jun 2024

建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林
本刊已被 a&hci / cscd / scopus / doaj / cstpcd 收录

01 论 文 题 目 manuscript title
ai for conceptual architecture: reflections on designing with text-to-text, text-toimage, and image-to-image generators
02 作 者 authors
anca-simona horvath (a)* , panagiota pouliou (b)
(a) research laboratory for art and technology, aalborg university, aalborg 9000, denmark
(b) lighting design lab, aalborg university, copenhagen 2450, denmark
03 论 文 摘 要 abstract
in this paper we present a research-through-design study where we employed textto-text, text-to-image, and image-to-image generative tools for a conceptual architecture project for the evolo skyscraper competition. we trained these algorithms on a dataset that we collected and curated, consisting of texts about and images of architecture. we describe our design process, present the final proposal, reflect on the usefulness of such tools for early-stage design, and discuss implications for future research and practice. by analysing the results from training the text-to-text generators we could establish a specific design brief that informed the final concept. the results from the image-to-image generator gave an overview of the shape grammars of previous submissions. all results were intriguing and can assist creativity and in this way, the tools were useful for gaining insight into historical architectural data, helped shape a specific design brief, and provoked new ideas. by reflecting on our design process, we argue that the use of language when employing such tools takes a new role and that three layers of language intertwined in our work: architectural discourse, programming languages, and annotations. we present a map that unfolds how these layers came together as a contribution to making machine learning more explainable for creatives.
04 关 键 词 keywords
machine learning / 机器学习
stylegan2-ada / stylegan2-ada
rnn tensorflow / 循环神经网络 tensorflow
vqgan clip / vqgan clip
ad journal / ad 期刊
evolo / evolo杂志
conceptual design / 概念设计
architectural design / 建筑设计
05 章 节 标 题 sections title
1. introduction / 引言
2. machine learning in architecture / 建筑中的机器学习
3. design iteration 1 / 设计迭代一
3.1. design brief / 设计概要
3.2. dataset: text and images / 数据集:文本和图片
3.3. training the machine learning algorithms / 训练机器学习算法
3.4. results from the two workflows: training textto-text, text-to-image, and image-to-image algorithms / 来自两个工作流的结果:训练文本到文本、文本到图像和图像到图像算法
4. design iteration 2 / 设计迭代二
4.1. final design brief / 最终设计概要
4.2. developing the final design / 最终设计的发展
4.3. title / 题目
5. discussion / 讨论
5.1. reflections on integrating text-to-text, textto-image, and image-to-image machine learning tools in a conceptual architectural design process / 在概念建筑设计过程中整合文本到文本、文本到图像和图像到图像机器学习工具的思考
5.2. architecture, machine learning and language / 建筑、机器学习及语言
6. conclusion / 结论
06 主 要 插 图 illustrations

▲ 图一:基于我们展示的数据集生成混合文本和混合图像的两个工作流。© 本文作者

▲ 图二:part of the design space resulting from workflow a. top: hybrid texts were generated using tensorflow2 trained on the dataset of architectural texts. bottom: we used snippets from the hybrid texts as parameters (prompts) for training vqgan clip. © 本文作者

▲ 图四:part of the design space resulting from workflow b, where hybrid images were generated based on images of previous submissions to the evolo skyscraper competition using the stylegan2-ada algorithm. © 本文作者

▲ 图五:置于欧洲城市场所下的摩天大楼的渲染效果图。 © 本文作者

▲ 图六:应用于 assembled growth-babel 创作的最终设计过程 . © 本文作者
07 作 者 介 绍 authors’ information

anca-simona horvath
assistant professor
research laboratory for art and technology
aalborg university, denmark
my research investigates the relationship between emerging technologies, including computational design, digital fabrication, ai and bio-technologies, and creative practice, as well as their place in broader cultural contexts. i use design-based research as a main method of inquiry, and would call myself a reflective practitioner. my projects have covered a broad range of scopes and scales, from shoe insoles to urban planning. i have a background in architecture and work experience as an architect, urban planner, and computational designer in romania and denmark.

panagiota pouliou
research assistant
lighting design lab
aalborg university, denmark
08 原 文 阅 读 download link

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