作者:李言 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2024/5/5 20:23:10
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编译 | 李言
science, 3 may 2024, volume 384 issue 6695

an active, stable cubic molybdenum carbide catalyst for the high-temperature reverse water-gas shift reaction
▲ 作者:milad ahmadi khoshooei, xijun wang et al.
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we show that nanocrystalline cubic molybdenum carbide (α-mo2c), prepared through a facile and scalable route, offers 100% selectivity for co2 reduction to co while maintaining its initial equilibrium conversion at high space velocity after more than 500 hours of exposure to harsh reaction conditions at 600°c. the combination of operando and postreaction characterization of the catalyst revealed that its high activity, selectivity, and stability are attributable to crystallographic phase purity, weak co-mo2c interactions, and interstitial oxygen atoms, respectively. mechanistic studies and density functional theory (dft) calculations provided evidence that the reaction proceeds through an h2-aided redox mechanism.
atomic physics on a 50-nm scale: realization of a bilayer system of dipolar atoms
▲ 作者:li du, pierre barral et al.
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in this work, we implemented a super-resolution technique that localizes and arranges atoms on a sub–50-nm scale, without any fundamental limit in resolution. we demonstrate this technique by creating a bilayer of dysprosium atoms and observing dipolar interactions between two physically separated layers through interlayer sympathetic cooling and coupled collective excitations. at 50-nm distance, dipolar interactions are 1000 times stronger than at 500 nm. for two atoms in optical tweezers, this should enable purely magnetic dipolar gates with kilohertz speed.
n-type semiconducting hydrogel
▲ 作者:peiyun li, wenxi sun et al.
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we developed single- and multiple-network hydrogels based on a water-soluble n-type semiconducting polymer, endowing conventional hydrogels with semiconducting capabilities. these hydrogels show good electron mobilities and high on/off ratios, enabling the fabrication of complementary logic circuits and signal amplifiers with low power consumption and high gains. we demonstrate that hydrogel electronics with good bioadhesive and biocompatible interface can sense and amplify electrophysiological signals with enhanced signal-to-noise ratios.
risk of meningomyelocele mediated by the common 22q11.2 deletion
▲ 作者:keng ioi vong, sangmoon lee et al.
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meningomyelocele is one of the most severe forms of neural tube defects (ntds) and the most frequent structural birth defect of the central nervous system. we assembled the spina bifida sequencing consortium to identify causes. exome and genome sequencing of 715 parent-offspring trios identified six patients with chromosomal 22q11.2 deletions, suggesting a 23-fold increased risk compared with the general population. furthermore, analysis of a separate 22q11.2 deletion cohort suggested a 12- to 15-fold increased ntd risk of meningomyelocele. the loss of crkl, one of several neural tube–expressed genes within the minimal deletion interval, was sufficient to replicate ntds in mice, where both penetrance and expressivity were exacerbated by maternal folate deficiency. thus, the common 22q11.2 deletion confers substantial meningomyelocele risk, which is partially alleviated by folate supplementation.
induction of social contagion for diverse outcomes in structured experiments in isolated villages
▲ 作者:edoardo m. airoldi and nicholas a. christakis
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certain people occupy topological positions within social networks that enhance their effectiveness at inducing spillovers. we mapped face-to-face networks among 24,702 people in 176 isolated villages in honduras and randomly assigned villages to targeting methods, varying the fraction of households receiving a 22-month health education package and the method by which households were chosen (randomly versus using the friendship-nomination algorithm). we assessed 117 diverse knowledge, attitude, and practice outcomes. friendship-nomination targeting reduced the number of households needed to attain specified levels of village-wide uptake. knowledge spread more readily than behavior, and spillovers extended to two degrees of separation. outcomes that were intrinsically easier to adopt also manifested greater spillovers. network targeting using friendship nomination effectively promotes population-wide improvements in welfare through social contagion.
locally narrow droplet size distributions are ubiquitous in stratocumulus clouds
▲ 作者:nithin allwayin, michael l. larsen et al.
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current global climate models (gcms) parameterize cloud droplet size distributions as broad, cloud-averaged gammas. using digital holographic measurements of discrete stratocumulus cloud volumes, we found cloud droplet size distributions to be narrower at the centimeter scale, never resembling the cloud average. these local distributions tended to form pockets of similar-looking cloud regions, each characterized by a size distribution shape that is diluted to varying degrees. these observations open the way for new modeling representations of microphysical processes.