foar 为幸福感而设计:利用面部微表情分析和脑电图生物传感器来评估人类对于二维亲生物几何图形的反应 |
作者:andrea macruz , ernesto bueno, gustavo sol, jaime vega, ricardo palmieri, bing zhao
发表时间:april 2024

建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林
本刊已被 a&hci / cscd / scopus / doaj / cstpcd 收录
frontiers of architectural research(建筑学研究前沿/foar)于4月初在线发布了2024年第二期,共12篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。

01 论 文 题 目
manuscript title
designing for well-being: using facial microexpression analysis and eeg biosensor to evaluate human responses to 2d biophilically-driven geometries
02 作 者
andrea macruz (a), ernesto bueno (b), gustavo sol (c), jaime vega (d), ricardo palmieri (e), bing zhao (a)*
(a) college of architecture and urban planning, tongji university, shanghai, china
(b) universidade presbiteriana mackenzie, sao paulo, brazil
(c) centro universita ?rio belas artes, sao paulo, brazil
(d) universidade anhembi morumbi, sao paulo, brazil
(e) universidade federal do abc, santo andre ?, brazil
03 论 文 摘 要
this research explores the capacity of emerging technologies to enhance well-being. it involves the generation of 2d biophilically-driven geometries to represent human-response-oriented built environments and conducts inter and intra-individual analyses to assess human responses using a range of technologies within the realms of facial micro- expression analysis and eeg biosensor use. the outcomes of this analysis allow for the grading of these geometries in terms of emotional valences, meditation levels, and subjective preferences. these graded geometries can subsequently be employed in specific architectural contexts, such as interior decor, wallpapers, furniture surfaces, or other architectural and interior components. it is an interdisciplinary effort that underscores the importance of incorporating emerging technological means with human-response-oriented design approaches to foster built environments that promote well-being.
04 关 键 词
biophilic design / 亲生物设计
geometrical algorithmic modeling / 几何算法建模
facial micro-expression analysis / 面部微表情分析
eeg biosensor / 脑电图生物传感器
neuroscience / 神经科学
05 章 节 标 题
sections' title
1. introduction / 引言
1.1. biophilic design: human-response-oriented design strategies to foster well-being / 亲生物设计:为提高人们生活幸福感,以人类反馈为导向的设计方法
1.2. human responses specifically related to geometries in biophilic design / 亲生物设计中与几何图形相关的人类特殊反馈
1.3. human responses to biophilia using emerging technologies / 在利用新兴技术过程中人们对亲生物的反馈
1.3.1. facial micro-expression analysis and eeg biosensor in evaluating human responses to biophilic design / 在评估人们对亲生物设计反馈过程中的面部微表情分析与脑电波生物传感器
1.3.2. using facial micro-expression analysis and eeg biosensor to evaluate human responses to 2d biophilically-driven geometries / 利用面部微表情分析与脑电波生物传感器来评估人们对2d亲生物驱动的几何图形的反馈
2. methodology and research process / 研究方法和过程
2.1. translating biophilic design features into 2d geometries / 将亲生物设计特性转化为二维几何图形
2.2. incorporating facial micro-expression analysis to understand human responses to 2d biophilically-driven geometries / 结合面部微表情分析来理解人们对于二维亲生物驱动几何图形的反应
2.3. incorporating eeg biosensor to understand human responses to 2d biophilically-driven geometries / 结合脑电波生物传感器来理解人们对二维亲生物驱动几何图形的反应
2.4. preference rate: quantitative assessment of geometry preferences / 偏好率:几何偏好的定量评估
2.5. general evaluation of the selection and overall ranking of projects / 对项目选择与排名的总体评估
3. results / 研究成果
4. discussion / 探讨
5. conclusions / 结论
06 主 要 插 图

▲ 图一:example algorithm: geometrical transformation based on the fractal logic of the golden ratio and the fibonacci sequence, and mesh editions with weaverbird components。 © 本文作者

▲ 图二:example algorithm: geometrical modeling based on transformations and recursive functions。 © 本文作者

▲ 图三:2d geometries from workshop 01. © paulo henrique dias and julia nogueira da silva, natural reference and geometric constructions of natural patterns (student work)

▲ 图四:workflow of the capture and analysis of facial micro-expression from student ana carolina santos vicente。 © 本文作者

▲ 图五:system trained to correlate and rank facial micro-expressions using gaped, and to score on positive, neutral and negative emotional valences。 © 本文作者

▲ 图六:graphic plot for average meditation levels (mt) during 60 s of all projects of all workshops。 © 本文作者

▲ 图七:application of the 2d biophilically-driven geometries as artworks. ©ingrid fernandes baruch (student work)。 本文作者
07 作 者 介 绍
authors’ information

andrea macruz
assistant professor
dubai institute of design and innovation (didi)
ph.d. candidate
college of architecture and urban planning
tongji university, shanghai, china
in 2010, andrea founded a design studio focusing on the study of nature and new technologies, and the work from the studio has been widely published internationally. besides that, she has a parallel academic career, teaching in architecture and design departments at several universities and institutes, including abu dhabi university, istituto europeo di design, and centro universitário belas artes de sao paulo.
currently, she is an assistant professor at the dubai institute of design and innovation – didi (in collaboration with mit and parsons) and part of the digitalfutures ph.d. program at tongji university in shanghai.

ernesto bueno
msc researcher
universidade presbiteriana mackenzie
sao paulo, brazil
architect, researcher on digital design methodologies and human-computer interaction in architecture.

gustavo sol
universidade anhembi morumbi
sao paulo, brazil
gustavo sol was born in ribeirão preto, são paulo, in 1975. actor, director, coach and researcher.post-phd researcher at ufabc at cognition and neuroscience program - applied neuroscience lab, under the supervision of phd. joão ricardo sato. researcher collaborator at labore - laboratory of robotics and rehabilitation, of federal institute of são paulo. phd in theatre at university of sa?o paulo - eca/usp (brazil, 2017). completed an internship at university paul valery montpellier iii (france, 2016). master in communication and semiotics at puc/sp (brazil, 2008) and bachelor in theatre at state university of campinas (brazil, 2000). previous research investigated jerzy grotowski’s concepts mixing them with brazilian rites. in the performance discontinuous object (2013), makes use of an eeg as a brain computer interface to interact with audiovisuals elements in a digital dramaturgical process. currently, studies the role of sensory feedback and attention in the emergence of emotion in actor’s work using near infrared spectroscopy (nirs), electroencephalographic (eeg), electromyographic (emg), heart rate monitor (ecg) and other neuro physiologic and biometric technologies.loves life, nature, his family, wife, friends, science and arts.

jaime vega
phd student
universidade anhembi morumbi
sao paulo, brazil
he holds a degree in architecture and urbanism from the university of grande abc (1999), is a phd student in design at the anhembi morumbi university where he develops research supervised by suzete venturelli, holds a masters degree in housing, planning and technology from the institute of technological research of the state of são paulo - ipt/sp (2012), where he developed a line of research in gauging the application of urban legislation and sustainability of the urban built environment.
desenvolve pesquisas do uso da alta tecnologia em simulações gráficas em realidade virtual e aumentada em seu doutorado, para o uso em projetos em: educação, arquitetura, urbanismo, design e games.

ricardo palmieri
researcher in innovation and new medias
universidade federal do abc, santo andre, brazil
ricardo palmieri (vj palm), 1978, is a video-jockey and an architect, graduated by the universidade do grande abc (1997-2001), sao paulo, brazil. currently he is a consultant of space’s development, scenery and interactive installations to artistic and commercial projects using free softwares.
he worked for the brazilian ministry of culture government, inside the program cultura viva on the digital culture as a researcher of free softwares for graphical production between 2005 and 2007.
since 2002, he realized works at sesc são paulo as an independent artist and with the collectives estudiolivre.org http://estudiolivre.org, metareciclagem and tempokala performance group. presented works and workshops in extremadura university and hangar in barcelona (2006), dubrovinik and zagreb in croatia (2008) and kiberpipa in ljubliana, slovenia (2008).
since then, he is creating electronics devices of low cost and realizing workshops to apply these devices, and plays with his band http://myspace.com/livenoisetupi.

bing zhao
doctoral candidate
college of architecture and urban planning
tongji university, shanghai, china
bing zhao is a doctoral candidate at tongji university’s college of architectural and urban planning in china. she has served as a practitioner in both los angeles, usa, and beijing, china. additionally, she has worked as an instructor in architectural theory and design studios at the shanghai institute of visual arts and hunan university. with a specialization in architectural theory, bing’s research focuses on the parallelism between swarm intelligence and city formation. she is also interested in neuroscience, complexity science, multi-agent systems, quantum physics, and interdisciplinary research.
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