

作者:李言 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2023/12/3 20:14:04


编译 | 李言

science, 1 dec 2023, volume 382 issue 6674




two teosintes made modern maize


▲ 作者:ning yang, yuebin wang et al.

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▲ abstract:

the origins of maize were the topic of vigorous debate for nearly a century, but neither the current genetic model nor earlier archaeological models account for the totality of available data, and recent work has highlighted the potential contribution of a wild relative, zea mays ssp. mexicana. our population genetic analysis reveals that the origin of modern maize can be traced to an admixture between ancient maize and zea mays ssp. mexicana in the highlands of mexico some 4000 years after domestication began. we show that variation in admixture is a key component of maize diversity, both at individual loci and for additive genetic variation underlying agronomic traits. our results clarify the origin of modern maize and raise new questions about the anthropogenic mechanisms underlying dispersal throughout the americas.

nesting chinstrap penguins accrue large quantities of sleep through seconds-long microsleeps


▲ 作者:p.-a. libourel, w. y. lee et al.

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▲ abstract:

we investigated electroencephalographically defined sleep in wild chinstrap penguins, at sea and while nesting in antarctica, constantly exposed to an egg predator and aggression from other penguins. the penguins nodded off >10,000 times per day, engaging in bouts of bihemispheric and unihemispheric slow-wave sleep lasting on average only 4 seconds, but resulting in the accumulation of >11 hours of sleep for each hemisphere. the investment in microsleeps by successfully breeding penguins suggests that the benefits of sleep can accrue incrementally.


a neptune-mass exoplanet in close orbit around a very low-mass star challenges formation models


▲ 作者:gudmundur stefánsson, suvrath mahadevan et al.

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▲ 摘要:

我们利用径向速度观测发现了一颗海王星质量的系外行星,它围绕着lhs 3154运行,这颗恒星的质量比太阳小9倍。这颗系外行星的轨道周期为3.7天,其最小质量是地球质量的13.2倍。

我们通过模拟表明,高行星—恒星质量比(>3.5 × 10−3)不是核心吸积理论或行星形成引力不稳定性理论的预期结果。在核心吸积模拟中,我们表明,只有当原行星盘的尘埃质量比通常在非常低质量的恒星周围观察到的大一个数量级时,才会形成海王星质量等级的近距离行星。

▲ abstract:

we used radial velocity observations to detect a neptune-mass exoplanet orbiting lhs 3154, a star that is nine times less massive than the sun. the exoplanet’s orbital period is 3.7 days, and its minimum mass is 13.2 earth masses. we used simulations to show that the high planet-to-star mass ratio (>3.5 × 10−3) is not an expected outcome of either the core accretion or gravitational instability theories of planet formation. in the core-accretion simulations, we show that close-in neptune-mass planets are only formed if the dust mass of the protoplanetary disk is an order of magnitude greater than typically observed around very low-mass stars.

环境科学environmental science

state dependence of co2 forcing and its implications for climate sensitivity


▲ 作者:haozhe he, ryan j. kramer et al.

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▲ abstract:

here, we show that the irf2×co2 is not constant, but rather depends on the climatological base state, increasing by about 25% for every doubling of co2, and has increased by about 10% since the preindustrial era primarily due to the cooling within the upper stratosphere, implying a proportionate increase in climate sensitivity. this base-state dependence also explains about half of the intermodel spread in irf2×co2, a problem that has persisted among climate models for nearly three decades.


boryl radical catalysis enables asymmetric radical cycloisomerization reactions


▲ 作者:chang-ling wang, jie wang et al.

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▲ abstract:

in this work, we report a family of chiral n-heterocyclic carbene (nhc)–ligated boryl radicals as catalysts that enable catalytic asymmetric radical cycloisomerization reactions. the radical catalysts can be generated from easily prepared nhc-borane complexes, and the broad availability of the chiral nhc component provides substantial benefits for stereochemical control. mechanistic studies support a catalytic cycle comprising a sequence of boryl radical addition, hydrogen atom transfer, cyclization, and elimination of the boryl radical catalyst, wherein the chiral nhc subunit determines the enantioselectivity of the radical cyclization. this catalysis allows asymmetric construction of valuable chiral heterocyclic products from simple starting materials.

材料科学materials science

3d microscopy at the nanoscale reveals unexpected lattice rotations in deformed nickel


▲ 作者:qiongyao he, søren schmidt et al.

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▲ abstract:

we tracked the rotations of individual grains in nanograined nickel by using three-dimensional orientation mapping in a transmission electron microscope before and after in situ nanomechanical testing. many of the larger-size grains underwent unexpected lattice rotations, which we attributed to a reversal of rotation during unloading. this inherent reversible rotation originated from a back stress–driven dislocation slip process that was more active for larger grains. these results provide insights into the fundamental deformation mechanisms of nanograined metals and will help to guide strategies for material design and engineering applications.

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